Dachshund breed Information
Dachshunds Dog Breed: The Ultimate Guide 2020

Are you thinking of parenting a long-living, comical, and entertaining dog that makes a keen watchdog? If you answered yes, then a Dachshund is your ultimate dog and this is a comprehensive guide that is going to take you through the complete Dachshunds dog breed profile.
What Are The Characteristics Of Dachshunds
Dachshunds possess several characteristics that make them the best dogs to raise. They’re small bodied, playful, and amusing to make a perfect dog for apartment living. Their physical needs are moderate but require more training to get along with all that you require of it.
Take a look at how they have been rated and how they perform in some of the characteristics that you expect a good dog to possess.
1. Adaptability

These clever, lively, and curious dogs have a moderate adaptability rating of 3 stars out of 5. They happen to be the among the best breeds who match any in house lifestyle. Depending on different environments, they easily adapt and learn to live with the changes.
Here are more attributes on adaptability and how they’ve been rated:
- Adapts well to apartment living: The best thing a dog parent can ever have is a dog who adapts to apartment living. According to most dog parents, they prefer to have indoor dogs to outdoor dogs. If you have the same dream then this is the time to bring a Dachshund in your life. They are small-bodied and receptive to commands making them adaptable to any living space and lifestyle. For that case, they hold 5 stars out 5 for being the best apartment dogs.
- Good for novice owners: If you’re nervous to get a Dachshund because you never had one before then don’t be. I understand that you don’t want a dog who will be a burden to raise. These dogs are good family friends and easier to take care of. Dachshunds are intelligent and loyal thus making great pets for novice owners. They have been rated at 4 stars out 5 for this attribute.
- Sensitivity level: Dachshunds are emotionally delicate breeds with a high sensitivity rating of 4 stars out of 5. When touched unknowingly, they could give you a dirty look. However, this does not mean that they’re bad. Sometimes owners need a dog who is receptive to their emotions and if that’s so, look no further than Sausage dogs.
- Tolerates being alone: It is not a good idea to leave these dog breeds all by themselves as you go for a walk or to work. If you should leave them, it should not be more than four hours. When left alone, Dachshunds tend to be anxious, bored and lonely and could become problematic and destructive so they possess 3 stars for this character.
- Tolerates cold weather: Dachshunds have short, thin fur that doesn’t protect them against cold. They have a 1-star rating for cold weather tolerance. Leaving your Dachshund in the cold can cause health issues like hypothermia and frostbite.
- Tolerates hot weather: They moderately withstand temperatures above 4.44°C but not extreme. They hold 3 stars out of 5 for their ability to adapt to hot weather.
2. All-Around Friendliness

A friendly dog with low stranger tolerance is what pet owners want. This is because your dog should be loving to you, your family, other dogs in the household and pets as well. If you like to cuddle, then a dachshund is the perfect pet for you and has an overall rating of 3 stars out of 5 when it comes to their all-round friendliness.
Here are more rating regarding other friendliness attributes that Dachshunds have:
- Affection with family: I am a Dachshund owner and trust me, they are a great family pet. This fellow is incredibly loving and affectionate to the entire family. They scoop a whole 4 star rating out 5 for being family loving dogs.
- Kid-friendly: These dogs are very playful and like the company of kids who on the flipside love making fun with pets. They score 5 stars out 5 regarding their friendliness with children.
- Dog friendly: Some dogs get wild when they are in the company of other dogs. For this breed, this is rarely seen and if it happens that a Dachshund is angry being around other dogs, then it is because it wasn’t introduced to them early. They hold 3 stars out of 5 when it comes to their relationship with other dog breeds.
- Friendly towards strangers: When it comes to strangers, they are very protective. For that matter, they possess only 1 star out 5 since they bark at unfamiliar people and animals.
3. Health And Grooming Needs

Dachshunds have an overall rating of 3 stars out of 5 when it comes to their general health and grooming needs. For my case, I have a smooth-haired Dachshund and I find grooming an easy task. Grooming wire-haired and longhaired Dachshunds would need much effort.
Here is their performance on various characteristics in this section:
- Amount of shedding: All dog breeds shed so that new fur could grow and Dachshunds are not an exception. They are moderate shedders who hold 3 stars out 5 since they don’t moult much. To minimize the amount of shedding in them, daily brushing and a diet rich in omega fatty acids will help.
- Drooling potential: Fractured tooth, tumours in the mouth, irritation and tartar buildup are the major causes of drooling. At times, this can be normal or can also be because of excessive salivation (ptyalism). Dachshunds are low droolers holding only 1 star out of 5 for their drooling potential. However, to completely minimize this, watch out for any of the causes mentioned.
- Easy to groom: These dogs are moderately easy to groom. The smooth-haired is in fact the easiest of the three types of Dachshunds because they have short and smooth fur. They only need brushing once a week and no hair cuts will be required. The other two (long-haired and wire-haired Sausage dogs) need regular grooming. Combined, they possess 3 stars out 5 for being low maintenance breeds.
- General health: Dachshunds hold 2 stars out of 5 regarding their general health. They are at risk of contracting some of the deadliest diseases like Intervertebral Disk Disease, Patella Luxation and Hip Dysplasia. Regular vet check-ups are important to help him hit his life expectancy. As for Smooth Dachshunds, heart failure is the main cause of death in their golden ages.
- Potential for weight gain: Overweight could cause severe health issues in dogs. Dachshunds happen to be greedy little dogs who don’t know how to stop eating. This character could lead to obesity since they have a weight gain potential of 5 stars out of 5. Unless you stop leaving out food all day, they will not comprehend the harm they could do to themselves. A good weight for a Miniature Dachshund should be 5Kg and standard Dachshunds should weigh 7.3Kg to 15 Kg.
- Size: Sausage dogs are relatively small dogs scoring only 1 star from a grid of 5 stars when it comes to their body size.
4. Trainability

Holding 4 stars out of 5, Dachshunds are easy going when it comes to training. They tend to grasp teachings easily but if you wait until it has grown to start training it, you won’t be able to shape it into a dog you wished for.
Here are other attributes:
- Easy to train: They have 2 stars out of 5 when it comes to ease of training. This is because they’re stubborn dogs but with consistency and persistence, they can be easily trained.
- Intelligence: Dachshunds were bred to follow scents and hunt down badgers. This means that they can think on their own. When it comes to their intelligence, they possess 4 stars out 5.
- Potential for mouthiness: Since they were bred as hunting dogs, they have a considerable rating of 4 stars out of 5 for being mouthiness prone dogs.
- Prey drive: They are natural hunters which means they can do whatever it takes to hunt down anything they consider prey. For that reason, they hold 5 stars out 5 regarding their prey drive.
- Tendency to bark or howl: They are relatively small but have a 5-star rating for their tendency to bark or howl.
- Wanderlust potential: Since they love to follow a scent, they have a high wanderlust potential of 5 stars out 5. Leashing them will be wise whenever you take them out for a walk.
5. Physical Needs

Being small-bodied, they have moderate physical needs as compared to bigger breeds like Great Danes. Standard Dachshunds need at least 60 minutes of exercise a day. For the miniatures, a 30-minute exercise session is enough. They hold an average of 3 stars out of 5 for being a breed with minimum physical needs.
Let’s explore the characteristics that add up to this rating:
- Energy level: Dachshunds have a moderate energy level rating of 3 stars out of 5. To use this energy well, a minimum of two walks a day is helpful.
- Intensity: Dachshunds are genetically aggressive dogs. They hold 3 stars out of 5 regarding their intensity level.
- Exercise needs: They have 3 stars out of 5 when it comes to their exercise needs. Ensure that you have a minimum of 2 exercise sessions a day else they’ll put on weight. Remember, they are rated at 5 stars for their weight gain ability.
- Potential for playfulness: These are highly playful dogs with a score of 4 stars out of 5. Fetch and ball games with kids will keep them happy and engaged.
Important Stats You Should Know About Dachshund Dogs
Dog Breed Group/Purpose
Hound Dogs
Clever, Stubborn, Devoted, Lively, Playful, and Courageous
Coat Length
Smooth haired, wire-haired, long-haired
Average Height
20 - 23 Centimeters Standard Dogs, 13 - 15 Centimeters Miniature Dogs
Weight Range
5 Kg Miniature, 7.3 - 15 Kg Standard Dachshunds
Life Expectancy
12-16 Years
Exercise Requirements
60 minutes a day for standard dogs, 30 minutes a day miniature for dogs
Social/Attention Needs
Overall Grooming Needs
More Fun Facts About Dachshund Breeds

- They make great apartment dogs because of their small sizes and ease of care.
- Dachshunds are stubborn and crate training is the best way to train him.
- They’re intelligent and independent dogs.
- They’re playful dogs and sometimes mischievous but this can be shaped through training.
- They were bred as hunting dogs. You’ll need to introduce them to other pets so that they don't become hostile. Timing is very important because they need someone who can handle them well.
- They are great diggers since they used to dig badger burrows. Setting aside a digging zone will help keep your yard in shape.
- They have loud deep barks so you’ll need to control this during training. They can be extremely noisy for your neighbours.
- Exercise is important else they can become fat and lazy. An overweight Dachshund is at risk of back strain. Apart from exercise, this can be controlled by dieting. You should never overfeed them.
- These dogs should not be allowed to jump. They have small limbs and high jumps could lead to paralysis.
- They were bred to hunt badgers and other animals but they make ideal family companions.
- They are hardworking and can participate in agility competitions, Dachshund races (e.g Wiener Nationals).
What Is The Origin Of Dachshund Dog Breeds

Dachshunds famously known as the Sausage dogs, wiener dogs, dachies, daxies, originated from Germany. Breeders wanted a dog who would be able to hunt or chase badgers and rabbits and that's why they crossbred terriers and pinschers.
The origin of these hunting dogs can be traced back in the 15th Century. However, their development was conducted in the early 17th Century.
The name Dachshunds translates to badger dogs to illustrate what these short sausage dogs did -Badger Hunting. Their small size, short legs, and big chest helped them to dig and enter burrows/tunnels.
After being effective for their task, further development was done to come up with the Standard and the Miniature Dachshunds. The two were used for hunting but hunted different prey species.
The standard Dachshunds retained the initial role of hunting boars, badgers and rabbits while the Miniature pursued hare and foxes. They became popular among humans in the 1930s and 1940s.
They have tremendous speed and were used in wiener races but some clubs discouraged it because of their delicate backs.
Dachshunds Appearance
Dachshunds come in a variety of sizes. They have different colours, coat types and personalities.
Coat Color For Dachshunds

Dachshunds dog breeds have been documented to have a smooth coat with a variety of colors. The common color among parents is red. Besides this, you can find some with the following colors:
- Black
- Cream
- Black and Tan
- Black and Cream
- Blue and Tan
- Chocolate and Tan
- Chocolate and Cream
- Dapple (more on that below)
Dachshund Dogs Eye Color
This breed’s eye color could vary depending on their parents. For Light-Colored Sausage dogs, their eyes are usually green, amber, or light brown. It happens that they could have eyes of different colors - one brown eye and one blue eye or amber.
What Is The Average Size Of Dachshunds Breeds
Dachshunds are small-sized and medium-energy dog breeds who grow between 20 to 23 centimeters at the shoulder. For Miniature Dachshunds, they have an average height of 13 to15 centimeters.
Their average weight is around 7Kg to 15 Kg for standard Dachshunds and 5 Kg for miniature Sausage dogs.
What is a Dachshunds Lifespan?
Dachshunds have a life expectancy of between 12 to 15 years. This can only be so if proper care and exercise is given to them. These canines should not be given a chance to put on weight because it can cause obesity and other obesity-related health issues.
What Are The Different Types Of Dachshunds
There are three different types of Dachshunds that have been categorized according to their sizes.
These categories also vary from one breed registry to another.
Let’s see how they are are classified:
AKC Classification
According to AKC, there is only one size of the Dachshund breed - the standard Dachshund. These weigh between 7.3Kg to 15 Kg.
UKC Classifications
UKC have classified Dachshunds in three classes. Again, this is according to their weight.
Here are the three classes:
- The Miniature Dachshund: Sausage dogs who weigh between 5-6 Kg are considered Miniature when they hit maturity.
- The Standard Dachshund: These are the largest Sausage dogs who weigh between 7.3 - 15 Kg.
- Tweenies: These breeders classify Dachshunds who weigh between 5 - 7 Kg as Tweenies which makes a third type of the Dachshund breed.
Federation Cynologique Classifications
The Federation Cynologique categorize Dachshunds in two primary classes based on their sizes.
These classes are:
- Standard Sausage Dogs (Nomalgrossteckel): 7.3 -15 Kg.
- Miniature Sausage Dogs: 5 Kg.
They go ahead to classify Miniatures into two more subcategories. These are placed in the two subclasses when they hit 15 months old.
Here are the subclasses:
- Zwergteckel (The Dwarf Dachshund)
- Kaninchen (The Rabbit Dachshund): The smallest of the two with females weighing 3Kg and males weighing 3.5 Kg.
Classifications Based On Different Dachshund Coats
Dachshunds have also been classified in 4 categories based on their coats as:
- Dapple Dachshund: Dapple Dachshund is a Dachshund that has a distinct dapple pattern through its coat and body. Most patterns look like paint splatters or swirls. The colour combinations for Dapple Dachshunds can come in every single possibility of all breed coat colours. My favourite colour is Tri Merle which is Cream, Black and Silver markings, quite a gorgeous mix if you ever see one! Dapple Dachshunds appear in all coat varieties, Long-haired, Short-haired and Wire-haired

- Wire-Haired Dachshund: They have medium length, coarse and wavy fur. Their coats look rough but have cute facial hair. Frequent grooming is required to keep their coat neat.

- Smooth Haired Dachshund: These are Dachshunds with soft, short, shiny and dense coats. Unlike the other classes, they require very little grooming.

- Long Haired Dachshund: They have long, slick hair that protects them against cold weather. The long hair can be noticed on their tails, ears, neck and under the belly. These dogs require regular brushing and grooming to keep their coat tidy.

What You Need to Know About Dachshund Temperament And Personality

Dachshunds are courageous dogs who are capable of taking on animals larger than they’re. They were bred to hunt and make good companions for families.
They are clever, devoted, playful, stubborn, and lively - a temperament that can easily be handled.
The personality of each Dachshund depends on its type e.g. long-haired dachshunds tend to be calmer than the smooth-coat dachshund while the wire-haired dachshund is more outgoing.
However, it is no surprise that they all share the following personalities:
- Hunters & Chasers: Dachshunds were bred to chase and hunt badgers and rabbits. They follow scents meaning that their nose and belly is what controls them.
- Diggers: These dogs are great diggers. Having been bred to hunt down badgers and rabbits in burrows, they dig their way to reach the furthest hiding zone of the prey. For that case, they can be great “landscapers.”
- Barkers: These dogs bark often and loudly despite their small size. More effort is needed to make him understand that the pizza delivery guy is not hostile.
- Watchdogs & Territorial: They know how to guard their territory hence make good watchdogs. I don’t think you’ll need a doorbell. They’re always quick to sound an alarm.
- Greedy: Dachshunds are small dogs with high appetites. They eat to clear. Leaving them food all day is not recommended since they can easily put on weight. An overweight Sausage dog cannot live for long because his back can’t hold excess mass.
- Playful & Stubborn: These dogs are stubborn and super smart. Giving up is not their character so they’ll do everything to get what they want. That’s how hunting dogs are.
- Intelligent: While in the burrows, they can’t hear your command. For that case, they were bred to think for themselves and make their own decisions. They are intelligent enough to solve a problem at hand before proceeding to the next.
- Affectionate & Loyal: Betrayal is not their attribute. They like being around their owners and that’s why they don’t make good dogs when left alone. They can become anxious and messy because of their separation anxiety.
What Health Problems Are Dachshunds Prone To?

Sausage dogs are generally healthy with a lifespan of 12 to 16 years. However, they’re prone to several health issues that you need to be aware of. Some of these health problems are:
- Intervertebral Disk Disease (IVDD)
- Eye Problems
- Orthopedic Conditions
- Epilepsy
- Hormonal Disorders
- Heart Disease
- Patella Luxation
- Hip Dysplasia
1. Intervertebral Disk Disease (IVDD)

A dog’s movement is entirely dependent on the alignment and structure of the spinal cord together with the vertebrae and discs protecting it. Usually, the intervertebral discs create a separation between one vertebrae and another.
When the dog runs/jumps, the discs act as shock absorbers by displacing the weight load on the spinal cord. Dachshunds are at risk of being affected by the IVDD.
The disease occurs when one or more disks are ruptured or leaking. The result is severe inflammation and pain.
An IVDD infected spinal cord can no longer act as a shock absorber and neither can it support the weight load put on it.
Causes of IVDD
The common causes for this health problem are:
- Conformation and age. The discs do lose flexibility and get prone to injuries as the dog ages.
- Severe injuries on the back
Symptoms of IVDD
- Stiffness of the neck
- Shivering
- Paralysis
- Back pain
- Inability to walk
- Partial loss of movement
This health problem can be very painful and should be attended to as soon as the signs and symptoms above show up.
2. Eye Problems

There are 8 common eye problems that could hit the Sausage dogs and if not attended to early, they can lead to total blindness.
Let's take a look at some of them.
A. Cherry Eye
This is a genetic ailment that affects the third eyelid, a home of the tear producing gland. It is an invisible gland but when they develop this problem, the ligaments holding it become weak and the glands pop out and form a cherry at the corner of the eye.
B. Corneal Wounds
The cornea is a clear tissue that covers the eye. This tissue/skin is subjected to injuries and lacerations. These can be caused by trauma especially when the dog runs in bushes and gets poked in the eye. When a dog get cuts to the eye, it can develop the Corneal Wounds. This problem can be treated using antibiotics.
C. Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca (KCS)
This is a problem that causes the eyes of your dog to be dry. The tear glands usually produce fewer tears than normal or none at all when KCS is in its severe stages. Lack of tears can lead to serious eye issues because they help to nourish the Corneal and wash out potentially harmful materials in the eye. KCS can cause corneal ulcers.
D. Cataracts
The lens of a dachshund with this problem develops a cloudy or opaque cataract. It can affect the whole lens or part of it. Cataracts usually block light from reaching the back of the dog’s eyes and could lead to blindness or poor vision. When the dog’s vision is completely compromised, you can visit a vet to perform a cataract surgery.
E. Entropion
Entropion affects the eyelids such that they roll inwards. When the eyelids roll inward, the hair rubs on the surface of the eye and could cause pain in the eye. The worse it can do is to damage the cornea. This can be a congenital health issue but vets can help to temporarily restore the eyelids to their normal position.
F. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)
It is difficult to tell if your dog has PRA but if it hits your Dachshund, it will gradually become blind. Their eyes may look normal but you’ll notice it having difficulties seeing at night. Even though it does not cause any pain to your dog, the harsh truth is that there is no treatment for this condition.
G. Glaucoma
If there is an unbalanced production and drainage of fluid within the eye, your dog is likely to contract Glaucoma. The symptoms to this problem is pain, eye redness, excess tear production and the third eyelid could become visible. When this disease is not addressed early, corneal cloudiness may develop.
H. Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)
Mucus membranes covering the inside of the eyelids are called conjunctiva. A dog with this problem will have the following symptoms:
- Reddened conjunctiva
- Swollen conjunctiva
- Eye drainage and discomfort.
This problem is not a disease but should be considered as a symptom of a disease.
3. Orthopedic Conditions
There are 4 common Orthopedic conditions that Sausage dogs can contract namely:
- Hip Dysplasia: It is usually caused by abnormal hip joint development. Even though it is rampant in large dogs like Great Danes, small sized dogs like Dachshunds cold contract it too.
- Elbow Dysplasia: This is caused by abnormal skeletal development. There are no signs that can be seen when a dog is batling Elbow Dysplasia until arthritis develops. You can however notice some sort of limping in front legs but could occur in all legs if they are affected.
- Cruciate Ligament Rupture: This happens when the cranial cruciate ligament ruptures. It makes the knee joint unstable and it can lead to arthritis when not attended to. This can be avoided by maintaining the weight of your Dachshund but hypothyroidism can play a major role. Affected Dachshunds are usually reluctant to bear weight on the ailing leg.
- Luxating Patellas: This affects the kneecap making it to slip out of the groove it is supposed to rest. Affected dogs find it difficult to stretch out their legs.
How Should You Take Care Dachshund Dogs

Dachshunds care involves a lot of things including feeding, training and exercises. It requires a slightly different strategy to care than other dogs.
Grooming will depend on his hair type. Care does not end at making him sleep in your bedroom. It extends to giving him proper food, grooming and taking him for check ups to a vet.
Let’s get down to the routines I follow everyday to make my Dachies happy.
Feeding Your Dachshund Dog

Food is a critical topic when it comes to your dog’s health. I feed my dog with quality dog food -something that helps to keep his weight under control.
It is good to feed them with quality dog food instead of human food because they’re easy to digest.
Best Dog Food For Dachshunds
The amount of food given to Dachshunds may vary depending on age, activity and environment, so it should be adjusted accordingly.
When starting out with a new food , start with the recommended amount then monitor your dog’s weight. If its weight fluctuates, try to adjust its intake.
Pro Tip
When switching from one dog food to another, allow 7 - 10 days for the transition. Gradually add more of the new food and less of the previous to your pet's dish daily until the changeover is complete. This is very key to help avoid dietary upsets.
The following are some of the best dog foods you can give your Dachshund.

- It has no artificial decorations, flavors or preservatives
- Real Turkey is the #1 Ingredient.
- Contains nutrients that help in small dogs’ higher metabolism.
- Rich in protein to help support strong muscles.
- Contains antioxidants for development of small dogs’ immune system.
- It is healthy to help your Daxies meet its longer life expectancy.
Recommended Daily Feeding Amounts
Weight Range
1Kg to 5.4Kg
1/2 - 1-1/4
48 to 120
5.5Kg to 9Kg
1-1/4 - 1-3/4
120 to 167

- This dog food contains Turkey as the first ingredient.
- It doesn’t contain Corn, Wheat or Soy.
- The meal does not have Artificial colors, flavors or preservatives
Recommended Daily Feeding Amounts
You should feed 4 trays daily per 5Kg adult dog and refrigerate any unused portions.

- It is manufactured with Real Beef.
- Flavorful, Nutrient-Rich.
- The nutrients in this food are essential for a strong immune system.
- It contains optimal Protein & Fat levels which help in growth of a healthy pup.
- It has balanced nutrition for adult dachshunds.
Recommended Daily Feeding Amounts
The amount given to the dog should be divided into 2 or more feeding sessions.
Weight (Kg)
Canned Food Only (Cans)
Canned (Cans)
Pro Plan Formula (Cups)

- Lamb, Rice, and Oatmeal are the number one ingredient which are easily digestible sources of energy.
- Nutrient-dense and designed for dogs who prefer eating smaller pieces
- It is rich in Vitamin A and linoleic acid. This is an omega-6 fatty acid responsible for healthy skin and coat.
- The meal contains antioxidants that help in the development of a healthy immune system.
Recommended Daily Feeding Amounts
Weight (kg)
Feeding Amount (Cups)
Feeding Amount (Grams)
1.4 - 5.4
1/2 - 1
56 - 112
15.9 - 9.9
1 - 1-1/2
112 - 168
9.5 -15.9
1-1/2 - 2
168 - 224

- It is made with real chicken and beef.
- It is rich in protein which helps increase metabolisms in small dogs like Sausage dogs.
- It is balanced for both adult and young Dachies.
- Contains 23 vitamins & minerals.
- It was made with small crunchy kibble pieces. These small pieces are easy to chew and help clean your puppy's teeth.
Recommended Daily Feeding Amounts
Adult Dog Size (lbs)
3 - 12 lbs
1/2 to 1 cup *
13 - 20 lbs
1-1/8 to 1-1/2 cups *
Best Dog Food For Dachshund Puppies

- This dog food is rich in Calcium to help in growth of strong teeth and bones.
- The main ingredient is real, farm-raised chicken.
- Composed of peas and carrots accents.
- It contains DHA to allow for healthy brain development
- There is no added artificial flavors or preservatives
- You should add at least 27 grams of high-quality protein per cup given to the dog which is helpful in developing muscles.
- It contains 23 essential vitamins and minerals that are essential in overall health and wellness.
- It is a balanced meal for puppies as well.
Recommended Daily Feeding Amounts
Breed Size/
1-1/2 - 3 Months
4 - 5 Months
6 - 8 Months
9 - 11 Months
1 - 2 Years
1.4 - 5.4
1/2 to 3/4
3/4 to 1-1/3
2/3 to 1-1/2
Feed as Adult
Feed as Adult
5.9 - 9
3/4 to 1-1/4
1-1/2 to 1-3/4
1 to 1-1/3
1-1/3 to 1-1/2
1-1/3 to 1-2/3
9.5 - 22.7
2/3 to 1-1/2
2-1/8 to 2-3/4
1-1/2 to 2-1/3
2-2/3 to 3
2-3/4 to 4-1/8
More dog foods for puppies:
Grooming Your Dachshund Dog

Is your Dachshund’s coat out of condition but you don’t know what to do? Are you wondering if you can groom it by yourself or you require a professional groomer?
Well, I do it by myself. I don’t hire professional grooming.
So, how do you go about it?
It is as simple as brush, wash and trim.
If you have a Wirehaired Dachshund or the Smooth Dachshund, brushing once a week will do just fine . But if you are raising a long-haired Dachshund, they need daily brushing.
Due to their long and wavy coat, they can easily pick up dirt so regular trimming is necessary and a bath every three months will keep him tidy. Even though they don’t like being groomed, getting him used to the grooming routine while he is still young will make him comply in later stages.
How Do I Groom My Dachshund?
I groom my sweet Dachshund by brushing his fur, trimming the coat and a little bath every 2-3 months.
During this time, checking the ears, eyes, and paws helps me to eliminate any fleas and ticks on their body and get rid of tangles.
After brushing my teeth, I get on to making him clean as well. I do this 3 times a week. However, make sure that you use a doggy toothpaste as human toothpaste is not recommended by vets.
The moment you decide to bring this dog into your home, your attention should shift to it immediately. His nails need to be clipped at least once every two weeks.
Essential Grooming Tools For Dachshunds
- You will need a grooming table, somewhere secure your dog will stand as you work on him.
- Doggy shampoo will come in handy when bathing him. Never use human soaps and detergents because they’re too harsh on their skins.
- You’ll also need a non-slip matt or towel in your bath or sink. This is to safeguard your dog from slipping.
- Apart from the non-slip towel in the bath sink, an extra towel will be needed to dry his hair. For my case, I use a hairdryer and my cute Dachies does not mind it at all.
- Since these dogs require regular brushing, you’ll need a selection of brushes to do his coat. I use a slicker brush, pin brush, bristle brush and a comb (grooming mitt). You’ll only need one of these but a combination of them is also good.
How To Groom Long-Haired Dachshunds
- Proper brush once a week: Your long-haired dachshund will need a quick brush once a day and one proper brush a week to get rid of the tangles using a slicker brush.
- During the proper brush, separate his hair with sectioning clips. This will help you to effectively work on one section at a time and ensure that you don’t miss any tangles and matted bits.
- Detangle the fur: You will need to brush from the root of the hair/fur to its tip or end. This should be done from the head to its tail. For matted balls of fur that are difficult to detangle, snip them out using grooming scissors. Be careful when using scissors not to cut his skin because it can be difficult to tell where the hair ends. You can visit a professional groomer if it gets tough.
- After detangling, use a bristle or pin brush to make the coat nice and shiny. Just brush the hair backwards to fluff it up.
- Trim around the ears and feet regularly. The hairs in these areas grow in fringes and so scissors can help you to keep it neat and tidy.
- Dachshunds don’t need bathing very often. However, make sure you bath them at least every two months unless they get really dirty.
How To Groom Wire-Haired Dachshunds
These types of Dachshunds have thick undercoats which need stripping twice a year.
They don’t shed a lot (only twice a year in spring and autumn) and bathing is required every few months but this doesn’t mean that they don’t need grooming often.
There are wire-haired Dachshunds with fluffy and coarse coats. Those with fluffier coats need the most grooming. For those with coarser coats, baths and brushing is enough.
Here is what you need to do if you don’t want to take wire-haired sausage dogs to a professional groomer:
- Gently brush your Dachshunds fur using a slicker brush.
- Switch to a stripping knife, gather a section of hair. Holding it at the roots between your knife and thumb, pull the fur up towards you. Remember, we’re just pulling the hair out and not cutting it off.
Pro Tip
Wire-Haired Dachshunds with pin wire coats don't need stripping and the smooth haired require the least amount of grooming.
Exercising Your Dachshund

How much exercise does your Dachshund need? Is it good if you take him for walks, swimming or running? Let me help you figure out what should be done.
Exercising Dachshund Puppies
Dachshund puppies don’t require a lot of exercise. Overexercising them could lead to unthought health problems (forming tissues could wear out).
Here is how you should exercise your Dachshund puppy:
- Below 3 months: 5 minutes a month
- 3 - 6 months old: 15 minutes exercise a day
- 1 Year: 15-20 minutes a day. Also, start taking him out for walks
Pro Tip
Over exercising puppies could negatively affect their growth and development.
Exercising Adult Dachshunds
Adult or standard Dachshunds need about 60 minutes of exercise every day. Again, the amount of exercise will also depend on their age and size but they can do more exercise if you want them to.
Considering that they’re small breeds, too much exercise will make them extremely tired. 60 minutes is enough to keep him happy, healthy and physically fit. It will help him to burn out excess fats and protect him from being overweight.
Here is how you could use the 60 minutes:
- 20-25 minutes: Walking( at least twice a day)
- 10-15 minutes: Playtime with kids
- 10-20 minutes: General training
Miniature Dachshunds require at least 30 minutes exercise a day which could be broken down to:
- 20 minutes walk
- 10 minutes playtime
How Should You Exercise Your Adult Dachshund
There are many activities that you can engage your dog in. These activities will make him happy and healthy. Don’t do a mistake of raising a dumb dog. Dachshunds can make great destructive and problematic dogs if their exercise needs are not met. Therefore, here is how you should exercise them:
- Walking: This is the easiest way to exercise your sausage dog. They love walking on sunny and warm days. Remember, it is your responsibility to make him thrilled with daily walks because not all Dachshunds will love to.
- Fetch Games: These dogs are chasers and fetch games using balls and frisbees will help him act on his chasing instincts.
- Agility Courses: Being agile dogs, subject them to dirting games but avoid games that involve jumping since they’re prone to back problems.
- Hide and Seek: This game will help your Dachshund to develop his sniffing traits. You could involve your kids since they are into such games.
- Football: Let your dog play around with the ball. However, ensure that you only give him lightweight balls since they use their nose to nudge it.
- Swimming: These are naturally gifted swimmers. You should train your dog to love water while young because some are hydrophobic so you should help him overcome his fear.
Training Your Dachshund
Dachshunds can be willful and stubborn when it comes to training. All you need to do is be patient with him and it will turn out to be a wonderful companion.
When you first bring your puppy home, the first thing you should do is to let him acclimate to your home. It may take him some days or weeks for it to be comfortable before you embark on training.
After he gets comfortable, there are 4 stages your puppy will need to undergo:
1. Training a Dachshund Puppy
Here is what you should do:
- Confine it in a small area (maybe a bedroom) then introduce him to the rest of the house gradually.
- Puppy-proof the rooms that it will explore (e.g hide electrical cords and household cleaners)
- When the pup is 8-12 weeks old, it will have weaned from his parents so start training it.
- Enroll your puppy in a puppy kindergarten so that it can learn how to socialize with other dogs. This will be a great place to help him learn basic obedience skills and you’ll learn how to to communicate with him.
- Enroll your pup in an obedience class immediately so he can learn some basic commands like “sit and stay”.
- After he learns to obey commands, introduce him to new people when you go out for a walk.
- Dachshund puppies are not different from other pups when it comes to chewing. The next step is to discourage chewing if you see him chew. You can give him chew toys or use commands like NO or STOP when you see him chew.
2. Crate-Train Your Dachshund

- You’ll need to select the right crate for your puppy. Here, the crate should be spacious for the puppy to turn around, stretch and sit. You can use a wire crate since they allow it to see everything around him and they won't feel separated from you.
- Ensure that the crate is in an activity-filled area so that it doesn't feel lonely because they crave companionship.
- Make the crate a cozy heaven for your Dachshund pup. It should be equipped with a comfortable bed and puppy-safe toys.
- Give your dog treats to encourage it to stay in the crate. Remember, a crate is not a punishment tool. You should not crate your dog all day and night. It needs to stretch outside and relieve its bladder.
3. House Train Your Dachshund
- Dachshunds have a great willful personality that can make them difficult to housetrain. You don’t want to share a bathroom with him and so you’ll have to make him understand where his is. If you already crate-trained him, housetraining him will be very easy.
- Set a schedule to feed and bath him. Make sure that you’re consistent with your feeding schedule.
- Your puppy needs to know when he does something good. Reward him when he goes to pee outside.
- Don’t punish your dog for accidents (urinating in the house) instead clean it up
4. Train the Dachshund To Walk On A Leash

- Dachshunds are stubborn and leashtraing them could turn out to be a difficult activity. However, they have chasing instincts which will make a leash an important tool.
- If your dog is on a harness or leash, be patient until he’s calm before you walk him out.
- When your dog is on a leash, don’t allow him to pull it. When he starts to pull, stand still and he’ll realize that what he is doing is not pleasing.
What You Need To Know When Training Dachshunds
- Be Positive: Reward good behaviour with treats and praise.
- Set Boundaries: You need to decide on what things you’ll allow your dog to do. For example, if you don’t want it sitting on the sofa, let it know and stick to it.
- Be Consistent: You should be firm with your training and exercise plans. Skipping sessions will only get your Sausage dog confused on what is best for him.
- Put Time In: Don’t be too busy for your Dachshund. Set up more time especially in the first weeks to understand your pet. Use this time to learn his likes and dislikes. You can have a professional trainer guide you through so that you raise well-mannered Dachies.
- Keep Sessions Short: Training sessions should be kept short but on point and enjoyable. These dogs tend to have a short attention span so get to what is to be learned immediately. This way, they’ll get some resting time.
- Remove Distractions: Ensure that there are no other movements by people or other animals during training. Dachshunds can be distracted and won’t grasp what you wanted them to do.
- Keep It Simple: Don’t overwhelm these dogs with too many commands and instructions at a go. If there are too many things to be taught, break them up in different training sessions else he may get muddled and confused.
- Make It Fun: A funny and enjoyable session will encourage the dog to heed to instructions.
- Keep It Up: Training should be an ongoing activity that should be done throughout the dog’s lifespan.
Here are some of the trainings that you need to do with your Dachshund puppy:
- Socialization: Prepare your Dachshund to interact and be comfortable with other pets/animals, people and various activities.
- Lead training: Let your dog know that it is at the bottom of the chain of command. Some dogs like to be the king of the park and could go to an extent of disobeying orders to do what they want.
- Crate training: Teach your Dachshund to accept a dog crate as a safe location for him to rest. Let them know that it is not a punishment cage.
- Barking training: Train your pup to bark only when it is necessary. Eliminate irresponsible barking using commands like STOP/QUIET.
- Commands: Teach your pup how to follow commands and orders. Let them understand what to do when you tell the to STAY, SIT, GO e.tc
- Chewing and nipping: Train them not to chew/bite everything they come across.
Are Dachshunds Good With Children And Other Pets

Are you wondering if Dachshunds are good family dogs? Perhaps you have kids and other pets in your home? Don’t worry because they make great family dogs.
A well trained Dachshund will always be good with kids and other dogs.
They are loyal, playful and affectionate but you need to let them know that they’re not incharge of kids. They like taking roles so you’ll have to supervise any interaction between them and children.
When around kids, games like chase, hide and seek will always keep him motivated and happy.
They are curious, lively,charming and brave enough to get along with other pets if socialization was done during early training. Even though they try to be attached to the entire family and pets, they can be jealous and possessive with their toys
Dachshund Dogs Key Takeaways: Choosing A Dachshund Breeder

Are you ready to bring a Dachshund puppy home? Before you do, ask yourself the following questions:
- Can you afford to raise a Sausage dog in terms of food, vet fees and pet insurance?
- Can you commit to Dachshund’s needs throughout its 12-16 years lifespan?
- Is your house or apartment good for keeping a Sausage dog?
- Do you have the time for exercise sessions every day? Dachshunds need about 60 minutes exercise every day.
- Dachshunds don’t like being left alone, will it have company at home when you’re away?
If you have all the Yeses on the above questions, here is what you should look for in a Dachshund puppy:
- Social Attributes: Puppies that don't socialize are a red flag.
- Behaviour: Over dominating puppies are a red flag.
- Welfare: Are they being kept in hygienic conditions?
- Health: Look out for any signs of poor health ( do they have runny eyes or noses, look for signs of infections in the ears, teeth/gums). Puppies should be in good condition, not underweight and not overweight.
- Parents: Ask the breeder to show you the parents and analyze their characters and signs of health defects.
- Vet Records: Ask the breeder to provide you with the vet records for the puppy.
- Paperwork: Verify all paperwork for purebred dachshund
If everything is ok, you should be given the following paperwork:
- The breeder should give you a contract of Sale or receipt. The Puppy Sales Contract should be something similar to this document here.
- You should be supplied with written advice on training/exercise, feeding, socialisation, and worming.
- A written document on vaccination should be provided. Again, the breeder should tell you if any have been administered already and when they are due.
- A Pedigree Certificate showing the puppy’s parents’ names and those of their ancestors.
- Copies of other health testing certificates for the puppy/its parents
Australian Based Breed Organizations For Dachshund Dogs
Before we get down to the breed organizations where you can get yourself a lovely Dachshund puppy, here are some tips for finding the right Sausage dog from a breeder.
- Buy from a reputable breeder: The internet is the hub and source of everything you want to learn. It happens that when we’re in search of a new puppy, we head straight to the internet. As much as this is worth your time, you must ensure that you’re buying from reputable Dachshund breed organizations.
- Speak with a breeder directly and ask any questions you’ve got: When you find the right breeder, you might rush to bring the pup home. This is wrong. You need to contact the breeder and have your questions answered. It is important that you also get to know how long the breeder has been in business. An experienced Dachshund breeder will be able to guide you through various steps of raising a bouncing Sausage dog.
- Visit the breeder and checkout the living condition of the puppy you want: After familiarizing with a Dachshund breeder, visit the puppy you’re planning to bring home with you. Get to know the kind of conditions it has been exposed to. Get to know the health issues it has and watch how the the breeder interacts with it.
Pro Tip
A good breeder really cares about all puppies he/she is fostering. They should ask you questions about your home and family because they want to see them go to a good home and that you’re the right person to parent a Dachshund puppy. If the dachshund breeder seems uninterested in knowing your home situation, that is a direct red flag.
Here are some of the reputable Dachshund breed organizations in Australia:
Rescue Groups For Dachshund Breeds In Australia
Wondering what a rescue group is?
These are breeders or groups of dog sellers who foster, evaluate, treat and re-home purebred and mixed Dachshunds.
Depending on the dog’s situation, whether it is a lost dog or an unwanted dog in the area, a rescue group will step in to take care of the dog after an agreement has been reached.
Vital Reasons For A Successful Rehoming
- Rehoming is for dogs that are abandoned, or lost and unclaimed by anyone.
- If a dog is unwanted by the owner.
- If a dog is threatened with destruction.
- If the owner wants to sell or give a gift to an undesirable home.
- Ill-treated or neglected dogs.
- Dogs suffering from mental or physical distress and reported as such by an observer and confirmed by a Club member or other Dachshund owner).
- If the owner has died leaving no instructions for his/her dogs.
- If an owner is no longer capable of care due to illness, age, matrimonial breakdown, etc.
So, do you have any whereabouts of a dog that needs fostering? Do you feel like you cannot manage to take care of your Dachshund? Get in touch with the following Dachshund dog breed rescue groups in Australia:
Parting Shot On Dachshund Dog Breeds
Now that you’ve read and known everything possible about Dachshund dog breeds, what next?
Are you going to contact the rescue group to rehome your Sausage dog or are you going to get in touch with one of the breed organizations and raise one? The choice is yours.
Shoot us a message and let us know if this piece was helpful. If you have any further questions about the breed, don’t hesitate to ask.